Here at Quality Pest Management & Solutions Sydney we strive to always provide the best services, matched with outstanding prices to guarantee a pest free environment at an affordable rate.
Our General Pest Treatments are most common among our customers due to their wide range of flexibility for treating insects, in conjunction with using the Best Chemicals on the market. We ensure our treatments cover your property all-round from inside and out, top to bottom.
All our General Pest Treatments include a 6 Month Warranty* to guarantee the all-round protection of your home from insects, and protect you in the following ways:
– Full Internal & External Chemical Residual Treatment – External treatments are oil-based and have UV protectants ensuring long-life protection
– Roof cavity Insecticide Flush
– Kitchen & Bathroom Cockroach Baited
How It Works
– Prevents and Deters any unwanted spiders, cockroaches and general crawling insects on your property via a safe and effective application of chemical residual.
– Slows down and destroys breeding cycles of insects to maintain a consistent pest free environment over the next 6 months*.
– Provides extra protection for people who suffer from allergic bites (such as mosquitoes).
– Creates a barrier to ward off insects trying to pass through your home
– Scientifically proven, safe, strong and guaranteed to last, plant-based insecticides.
– Safe for Adults, Children & Pets (bird life and marine life need to be moved from the property or well covered).
– No odour and fast, effective protection guaranteed.
We strive to maintain a high level of customer satisfaction and provide quality superior workmanship with each job. It is our guarantee that you will not only be enjoying a pest free environment but know that you are dealing with the very best in the industry.
*Full General pest needs to be complete, no partial treatments.
Contact us Today or call 1300 146 292 to have your booking secured and start enjoying a Pest-Free Environment